What Is The OG Badge?

2 min readFeb 3, 2023

As a way of saying thank you, the MCVerse air-dropped OG Badges to holders of the project formerly known as WenLamboNFT. These OG Badges went to anyone who MINTED one of the 10,000 NFTs at one badge per wallet.

Deployed initially on the HARMONY blockchain, you can now use our bridge to move your OG Badge to AVAX along with any remaining Super Cars (WenLamboNFT) that have not made it to Avalanche yet.

What Can I Do With My Badge?

Start by BRIDGING it over from HARMONY to AVAX. Within the next few weeks, you will be able to receive reflections from transactions across the MCVerse Marketplace and dAPPS, but only if they are held on The AVAX Chain.

Once we deploy the Marketplace and your custom profile page, you will see an overview of all things MCVerse, including your OG Badge and the earnings it has received.

From time to time, holders will also be white-listed for upcoming mints.

How To Bridge?

www.bridge.mcverse.app > connect to meta mask > wait for the bridge to load > left side box will show OG Badge if you have one > select bridge all button in center > confirm transactions > wait for the bridge to run > OG badge should show in the right side box.

You can view the OG Badge collection on JoePegs here.

Additional Details?

1200 total OG BADGES
Must bridge to AVAX and STAKE to earn reflections
Will not EARN anything if left on Harmony


Hang with us in Discord, tweet via Twitter, or interact with our WEB3 game by visiting our website.


DISCORD > join our community here https://discord.gg/heFHa9dGun
TWITTER > tweet with us here https://twitter.com/TheMCVerse
EMAIL > Bourbin@MCVerse.app
WEBSITE > www.mcverse.app | www.avalanchehills.com |


Mint a MUSCLE CAR > www.avalanchehills.com/presale
Muscle Car NFT marketplace > JOEPEGS | OpenSea| NFTKEY
Super Car NFT marketplace > JOEPEGS | OpenSea| NFTKEY




Written by MCVerse

The age of Blockchain and Gamification is still in its infancy. Imagine an open world offering unimaginable opportunities in Multi-Chain WEB3 gaming.

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