A collection of 500 Randomly generated 8-bit PFPs with little utility.
The MCVerse Marketplace is right around the corner, and with it comes a lot of possibilities. One of those possibilities is helping other projects mint their collections by providing all the tools needed to deploy, host, mint, and sell their collection, no matter how simple or complex.
The MCVerse Pixel Racers are a simple proof of concept to showcase this service and have a little fun with our community. After all, what good is a highspeed, mega-powerful Super Car or Muscle Car without a proper race car driver?

Mint Date: 02/07/23
Limit: 1 per wallet
Cost: 1000 GVILLE
Access: Must own a Muscle Car.
Perk: Pixel Racer owners can mint 1000 MUSCLE CARS in total using $AHILL (300 AHILL = $66)
Share 20% of all reflections earned during the $AHILL Muscle Car Mint
80% TO vault

Where Can I Mint?
You will be able to mint within the MCVerse.app. As we get closer, we will open up the countdown timer on the Pixel Racer mint page. Owners of Muscle Cars will be the only ones who can mint. You will need $GVILLE to mint one of these Pixel Racers.
You can use unlocked $GVILLE from your Super Cars or head over to TraderJoes, paste the token contract into the custom token search 0x7c22E823b5eE641ed534CE3e368b59b5F0A3b7e0, and swap.
How To Mint Muscle Cars With $AHILL?
For those lucky enough to grab one of the Pixel Racers, you can mint a Muscle Car at a discounted rate of 300 $AHILL. We will open up this exclusive mint to holders of Pixel Racers, and there will only be 1000 mints available.
Muscle Car mint for AHILL will open up after all pixel racers have been minted.
If you need $AHILL, you can use the same process as above for $GVILLE, but you will use the token contract for AHILL, 0x223174d9F096d8b468B24f620A02f43b70792789, and then swap.

We hope to see your Pixel Racers around town, aka DISCORD.
Hang with us in Discord, tweet via Twitter, or interact with our WEB3 game by visiting our website.
DISCORD > join our community here https://discord.gg/heFHa9dGun
TWITTER > tweet with us here https://twitter.com/TheMCVerse
EMAIL > Bourbin@MCVerse.app
WEBSITE > www.mcverse.app | www.avalanchehills.com |
Mint a MUSCLE CAR > www.avalanchehills.com/presale
Muscle Car NFT marketplace > JOEPEGS | OpenSea| NFTKEY
Super Car NFT marketplace > JOEPEGS | OpenSea| NFTKEY